segunda-feira, 9 de agosto de 2010


Hey guys! This post will be especially in English because we have some foreign friends who read or would like to read the blog.


So, what can I say about Dexter? The show is aired by Showtime in the USA and by Fox/FX here in Brazil. It is about this apparently normal guy who works in the homicide department of Miami metro as a blood-spatter analyst. But that is his daytime job. Since he was a child he had an urge to kill, he started killing small animals and then he moved on to bigger ones, like dogs. His father, Harry [who adopted Dexter after founding him in a pool of blood of his own mother] was also a cop, and noticed Dexter's killer instincts.

Harry trained him to use the urge to "help" society. Harry taught Dexter to kill murderers who, somehow, managed get away clean. The memory of Harry is constantly reminding Dexter the number 1 rule: never get caught.

Joggling his job, his relationship with Rita [his girlfriend and later on, wife], Deb [his sister] and killing is not an easy thing to do people!!! It requires a lot energy, killing tools, a fast mind to create good excuses and alibis and of course, a boat so you can dispose the body bags into the sea. Dexter uses the police database to gather information about his victims, but everybody knows that mixing work with pleasure can get messy sometimes. And it does, in the second season, when Sgt. Doakes starts to get suspicious. But you know, Dexter is one of the smartest guys on earth, so he gets rid of him.

The fifth season is coming up, premiering Sept 26th. We will get to see how Dexter handles being a single father of 3, the main suspect of a murder investigation and his guilty conscience.
I tried to write with as fewer spoilers as possible.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm dying to watch this season!!

1 comentários:

Rod disse...

Ma matem, mas só agora percebi que a mão dele na imagem tah MORTA! /omaislerdoever

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